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Latest News
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Museum of the Moving Image’s latest exhibition, Compositions in Code, pairs pioneers of Processing with p5.js innovators to explore the evolution of generative art presented in partnership with The Tezos Foundation.
In the latest and final installation series presented in partnership with the Tezos Foundation, Museum of the Moving Image announces Compositions in Code: The Art of Processing and p5.js, to be presented from March 6 through August 24 on its Herbert S. Schlosser Media Wall. The featured artists all used the accessible, open-source programming environment Processing or the p5.js library as tools in the creation of their work. Each artist will make a fragment of the exhibited work available for the public to collect for free onsite and online via the Tezos blockchain.
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DEX Aggregators: The Best Trades In The Tezos Ecosystem
There are several decentralized exchanges (DEX) live on the Tezos blockchain. Although they all run on Tezos, they are separate applications and prices can be different on either of them.
This means that it’s often a good practice to compare prices/ trades before you make a trade.
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El programa Acurast Builders está aquí con 1’500’000 cACU en recompensas
El programa Acurast Builders es un programa que da prioridad a los desarrolladores diseñado para nutrir a los constructores talentosos que desarrollan aplicaciones utilizando Acurast para su beneficio. Enfocado en proyectos novedosos que aprovechen Acurast como valor agregado.
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Acurast बिल्डर्स कार्यक्रम यहां पुरस्कारों में 1,500,000 cACU के साथ है।
एक्यूरास्ट बिल्डर्स प्रोग्राम एक डेवलपर-फर्स्ट प्रोग्राम है जो प्रतिभाशाली बिल्डरों को उनके लाभ के लिए एक्यूरास्ट का उपयोग करने वाले ऐप विकसित करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। उपन्यास परियोजनाओं पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया गया है जो एक अतिरिक्त मूल्य के रूप में एक्यूरास्ट का लाभ उठाते हैं।
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Le programme Acurast Builders est là avec 1’500’000 cACU en récompenses
Le programme Acurast Builders est un programme axé sur les développeurs, conçu pour encourager les créateurs talentueux à développer des applications utilisant Acurast à leur avantage. Axé sur de nouveaux projets qui tirent parti d’Acurast comme valeur ajoutée.
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Il programma Acurast Builders è arrivato con 1’500’000 cACU in premi
Il programma Acurast Builders è un programma incentrato sugli sviluppatori progettato per coltivare costruttori di talento che sviluppano app che utilizzano Acurast a loro vantaggio. Focalizzato su nuovi progetti che sfruttano Acurast come valore aggiunto.
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The Acurast Builders Program Is Here With 1’500’000 cACUs In Rewards
The Acurast Builders program is a developer-first program designed to nurture talented builders developing apps utilizing Acurast to their advantage. Focused on novel projects that leverage Acurast as an added value.

Acurast Announces the Launch of Tezos Native Integration, Expanding Beyond Ghost-Net
Acurast, a platform that helps developers build zero-trust apps, announces the launch of its Tezos native integration.
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Das Acurast Builders-Programm ist da mit 1’500’000 cACUs als Belohnung
Das Acurast Builders-Programm ist ein entwicklerorientiertes Programm, das entwickelt wurde, um talentierte Entwickler zu fördern, die Apps entwickeln, die Acurast zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen. Fokussiert auf neuartige Projekte, die Acurast als Mehrwert nutzen.
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Mise à niveau d’Oxford 2 pour la blockchain Tezos : Smart Rollups privés, cuisson plus facile, nouveaux verrous temporels
Tezos, une plate-forme blockchain de premier plan réputée pour ses capacités d’auto-modification et sa gouvernance axée sur la communauté, a activé avec succès Oxford 2, sa quinzième mise à niveau du protocole de base. La mise à niveau d’Oxford 2 comprend des améliorations des Smart Rollups et de la sécurité de la chaîne et garantit que Tezos reste à la pointe de l’innovation blockchain.

Tezos Blockchain améliore le SaaS : transformer la gestion des registres d’entreprises avec Izikap
Nomadic Labs a récemment mis en lumière le lancement d’Izikap, une nouvelle plateforme SaaS développée par le groupe Xelians. Cette plateforme, fonctionnant sur la blockchain Tezos, représente une avancée significative dans la digitalisation et la gestion des registres d’entreprises. L’introduction d’Izikap marque un changement de paradigme par rapport aux systèmes traditionnels basés sur le papier à une approche plus efficace, numérique et alimentée par la blockchain.
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Robinhood Adds XTZ to Its Cryptocurrency Offerings for New York
Robinhood, a popular trading platform known for democratizing access to financial markets, has expanded its cryptocurrency services in New York State by adding Tezos (XTZ) to its list of available digital assets. This development allows New York-based users to buy, sell, and trade Tezos, enhancing the cryptocurrency’s accessibility…

Tezos X: A Vision for the Future of Blockchain
Today, Tezos X has been unveiled, presenting a forward-looking vision for Tezos that marks a significant evolution from its original design. According to the official blog, this vision addresses some of the most fundamental issues in the blockchain space, aiming to enhance usability and utility while maintaining the core properties of blockchain technology.

Werenode: Fusing Blockchain Brilliance with EV Charging Innovation
As electric vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, Werenode is leading the charge by revolutionizing the EV charging infrastructure through blockchain technology. By leveraging Tezos and Binance blockchain technology, Werenode aims to simplify the EV charging process, ensuring secure, transparent, and immutable transactions. Their approach tackles key challenges in the industry, such as network fragmentation, interoperability, and complex payment systems.
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Aggiornamento Oxford 2 per la blockchain di Tezos: rollup intelligenti privati, cottura più semplice, nuovi timelock
Tezos, una delle principali piattaforme blockchain rinomata per le sue capacità di auto-modifica e la governance guidata dalla comunità, ha attivato con successo Oxford 2, il suo quindicesimo aggiornamento del protocollo principale. L’aggiornamento di Oxford 2 include miglioramenti agli Smart Rollup e alla sicurezza della catena e garantisce che Tezos rimanga all’avanguardia nell’innovazione blockchain.

Tezos Blockchain migliora il SaaS: trasforma la gestione dei registri aziendali con Izikap
Nomadic Labs ha recentemente messo in evidenza il lancio di Izikap, una nuova piattaforma SaaS sviluppata dal gruppo Xelians. Questa piattaforma, operante sulla blockchain di Tezos, rappresenta un significativo avanzamento nella digitalizzazione e nella gestione dei registri aziendali. L’introduzione di Izikap segna un cambio di paradigma dai tradizionali sistemi cartacei a un approccio più efficiente, digitale e basato su blockchain.
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Апгрейд Oxford 2 для блокчейну Tezos: Private Smart Rollups, Easy Baking, нові Timelocks
Tezos, провідна блокчейн-платформа, відома своїми можливостями самозміни та управлінням, керованим спільнотою, успішно активувала Oxford 2 — п’ятнадцяте оновлення основного протоколу. Оновлення Oxford 2 включає в себе поліпшення Smart Rollups і безпеки ланцюга, а також гарантує, що Tezos залишиться в авангарді блокчейн-інновацій.

Блокчейн Tezos покращує SaaS: трансформація управління реєстрами компаній за допомогою Izikap
Nomadic Labs нещодавно привернула увагу до запуску Izikap, нової SaaS-платформи, розробленої групою Xelians. Ця платформа, що працює на блокчейні Tezos, є значним прогресом у діджиталізації та управлінні реєстрами компаній. Впровадження Izikap знаменує собою зміну парадигми від традиційних паперових систем до більш ефективного, цифрового, заснованого на блокчейні підходу.

Etherlink: Закріплений рівень 2 EVM Smart Rollup планується запустити в основній мережі в березні 2024 року
Etherlink, новітнє рішення Layer 2 блокчейну Tezos, має намір переосмислити ландшафт децентралізованих додатків (DApps) з майбутнім запуском основної мережі в березні 2024 року. Цей оптимістичний роллап, сумісний з EVM, відрізняється від інших зовнішніх платформ рівня 2, таких як Arbitrum, Optimism і Polygon, завдяки унікальному впровадженню в блокчейн Tezos.
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Oxford 2 Upgrade für die Tezos Blockchain: Private Smart Rollups, Easier Baking, neue Timelocks
Tezos, eine führende Blockchain-Plattform, die für ihre Selbständerungsfunktionen und ihre Community-gesteuerte Governance bekannt ist, hat Oxford 2, ihr fünfzehntes Kernprotokoll-Upgrade, erfolgreich aktiviert. Das Oxford 2-Upgrade umfasst Verbesserungen bei Smart Rollups und Chain-Sicherheit und stellt sicher, dass Tezos an der Spitze der Blockchain-Innovation bleibt.

Tezos Blockchain verbessert SaaS: Transformation der Unternehmensregisterverwaltung mit Izikap
Nomadic Labs hat kürzlich die Einführung von Izikap vorgestellt, einer neuartigen SaaS-Plattform, die von der Xelians-Gruppe entwickelt wurde. Diese Plattform, die auf der Tezos-Blockchain basiert, stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt bei der Digitalisierung und Verwaltung von Unternehmensregistern dar. Die Einführung von Izikap markiert einen Paradigmenwechsel von traditionellen papierbasierten Systemen hin zu einem effizienteren, digitalen, Blockchain-gestützten Ansatz.
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Freename Launches .etherlink Domain for Next-Gen Web3 Identity
First Web3 domains on Etherlink, offering easily-readable wallet addresses powered by Etherlink’s high-performance Layer 2 network with ultra-low transaction costs ($0.001).
Seamless integration between Web2 and Web3 domains, supported by Freename DNS infrastructure and compatibility with major blockchain networks.
No renewal fees, allowing users to own .etherlink domains with a one-time registration fee, simplifying domain ownership for both Web2 and Web3 users.

Tezos ब्लॉकचेन के लिए ऑक्सफोर्ड 2 अपग्रेड: निजी स्मार्ट रोलअप, आसान बेकिंग, नए टाइमलॉक
Tezos, एक प्रमुख ब्लॉकचेन प्लेटफॉर्म जो अपनी स्व-संशोधन क्षमताओं और समुदाय-संचालित शासन के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, ने ऑक्सफोर्ड 2, अपने पंद्रहवें कोर प्रोटोकॉल अपग्रेड को सफलतापूर्वक सक्रिय कर दिया है। ऑक्सफोर्ड 2 अपग्रेड में स्मार्ट रोलअप और चेन सिक्योरिटी में एन्हांसमेंट शामिल हैं और यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि Tezos ब्लॉकचेन इनोवेशन में सबसे आगे रहे।

Tezos ब्लॉकचेन SaaS को बढ़ाता है: Izikap के साथ कंपनी रजिस्टर प्रबंधन को बदलना
नोमैडिक लैब्स ने हाल ही में ज़ेलियन समूह द्वारा विकसित एक उपन्यास सास मंच, इज़िकप के लॉन्च को स्पॉटलाइट किया। Tezos ब्लॉकचेन पर काम करने वाला यह प्लेटफॉर्म, कंपनी रजिस्टरों के डिजिटलीकरण और प्रबंधन में एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रगति का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। Izikap की शुरूआत पारंपरिक पेपर-आधारित प्रणालियों से एक अधिक कुशल, डिजिटल, ब्लॉकचेन-संचालित दृष्टिकोण में एक प्रतिमान बदलाव को चिह्नित करती है।
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Tezos 블록체인을 위한 Oxford 2 업그레이드: 프라이빗 스마트 롤업, 더 쉬운 베이킹, 새로운 타임락
자체 수정 기능과 커뮤니티 중심 거버넌스로 유명한 선도적인 블록체인 플랫폼인 테조스(Tezos)가 15번째 핵심 프로토콜 업그레이드인 옥스포드 2(Oxford 2)를 성공적으로 활성화했습니다. 옥스포드 2 업그레이드에는 스마트 롤업 및 체인 보안에 대한 개선 사항이 포함되어 있으며 Tezos가 블록체인 혁신의 최전선에 머물 수 있도록 합니다.

Tezos Blockchain, SaaS 향상: Izikap을 통한 회사 등록 관리 혁신
노마딕 랩스(Nomadic Labs)는 최근 제리안(Xelians) 그룹이 개발한 새로운 SaaS 플랫폼인 이지캅(Izikap)의 출시를 집중 조명했다. Tezos 블록체인에서 운영되는 이 플랫폼은 회사 등록부의 디지털화 및 관리에서 상당한 발전을 나타냅니다. Izikap의 도입은 전통적인 종이 기반 시스템에서 보다 효율적인 디지털 블록체인 기반 접근 방식으로의 패러다임 전환을 의미합니다.
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Actualización de Oxford 2 para la cadena de bloques de Tezos: Rollups inteligentes privados, horneado más fácil, nuevos bloqueos de tiempo
Tezos, una plataforma líder de blockchain reconocida por sus capacidades de autoenmienda y gobernanza impulsada por la comunidad, ha activado con éxito Oxford 2, su decimoquinta actualización de protocolo central. La actualización de Oxford 2 incluye mejoras en Smart Rollups y seguridad de la cadena y garantiza que Tezos permanezca a la vanguardia de la innovación de blockchain.

La cadena de bloques de Tezos mejora el SaaS: transformando la gestión del registro de empresas con Izikap
Nomadic Labs destacó recientemente el lanzamiento de Izikap, una novedosa plataforma SaaS desarrollada por el grupo Xelians. Esta plataforma, que opera en la cadena de bloques de Tezos, representa un avance significativo en la digitalización y gestión de los registros de empresas. La introducción de Izikap marca un cambio de paradigma de los sistemas tradicionales basados en papel a un enfoque más eficiente, digital e impulsado por blockchain.

Etherlink: El paquete acumulativo inteligente de EVM de capa 2 consagrado se lanzará en la red principal en marzo de 2024
Etherlink, la última solución de capa 2 de la cadena de bloques de Tezos, está preparada para redefinir el panorama de las aplicaciones descentralizadas (DApps) con su próximo lanzamiento de la red principal en marzo de 2024. Este rollup optimista y compatible con EVM se distingue de otras plataformas externas de capa 2 como Arbitrum, Optimism y Polygon, debido a su consagración única dentro de la cadena de bloques de Tezos.
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Tezos 区块链的 Oxford 2 升级:私有智能汇总、更轻松的烘焙、新的时间锁
Tezos是一个领先的区块链平台,以其自我修正能力和社区驱动的治理而闻名,它已经成功激活了Oxford 2,这是其第15次核心协议升级。 Oxford 2 升级包括对 Smart Rollups 和链安全性的增强,并确保 Tezos 始终处于区块链创新的最前沿。

Tezos 区块链增强 SaaS:使用 Izikap 转变公司注册管理
Nomadic Labs 最近重点介绍了 Izikap 的推出,这是一个由 Xelians 集团开发的新型 SaaS 平台。 该平台在Tezos区块链上运行,代表了公司注册数字化和管理的重大进步。 Izikap的推出标志着从传统的纸质系统向更高效、数字化、区块链驱动的方法的范式转变。
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ArtScience Museum in Singapore, TZAPAC and akaSwap Introduce Tezos Generative Art to the World
Singapore’s iconic ArtScience museum, a beacon for where art meets technology, has taken another step forward in its journey of artistic innovation. From August 19 to September 24, 2023, the museum is hosting a unique exhibition: Notes From the Ether: From NFTs to AI. The event is a reflection on the growing influence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), generative art, and the role of artificial intelligence in today’s digital art landscape.
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Tezos alimenta il mercato decentralizzato del Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) per le soluzioni basate sulla natura
Il rinomato Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) ha svelato il funzionamento interno del suo mercato decentralizzato dedicato alle soluzioni basate sulla natura. Operando sulla blockchain Tezos in collaborazione con l’Università di Cambridge, questa piattaforma innovativa cerca di mettere in contatto gli acquirenti di crediti di carbonio con progetti di soluzioni basate sulla natura, sfruttando una tecnologia all’avanguardia per un domani più verde.
Analisi NFT
View More Un nuovo strumento analitico per i mercati Tezos NFT
Nel suo nucleo, sfrutta i dati in tempo reale di, catturando accuratamente tutti i tipi di transazioni di acquisto. “Il cuore di è la sua capacità di recuperare dati in tempo reale da… Questi dati vengono poi incanalati in tre microservizi: Arte, Artista e Collezionista”.
Análisis NFT
View More Una nueva herramienta analítica para los marketplaces NFT de Tezos
En esencia, aprovecha los datos en tiempo real de, capturando con precisión todos los tipos de transacciones de compra. “El corazón de es su capacidad para obtener datos en directo de… Estos datos se canalizan en tres microservicios: Arte, Artista y Coleccionista”.
Anwendungsfall aus der Praxis
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Project Vigicard, die App zur Verfolgung von Medikamentenallergien auf Tezos
Die Tezos Foundation kündigt ihre Unterstützung für das Vigicard-Projekt an, die erste mobile Anwendung, die die Überwachung von Patienten mit Arzneimittelallergien verbessert. Die Anwendung basiert auf der Tezos-Blockchain-Technologie und wurde gemeinsam von einem Team aus europaweit renommierten Allergologen des Universitätsklinikums Montpellier und dem Web3-Experten von Codinsight entwickelt.
Art Basel
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La communauté artistique Tezos s’empare de South Beach pendant Art Basel
À partir du 6 décembre, avec une exposition, des tables rondes et des performances à l’hôtel Nautilus, des plateformes curatoriales, des partenaires et des places de marché du monde entier co-organiseront l’art numérique contemporain frappé sur Tezos. Plus de 50 œuvres seront exposées, allant de pièces historiques à des éditions contemporaines vendues lors de l’événement, une partie des recettes étant reversée au Trevor Project, une organisation américaine à but non lucratif qui collecte des fonds pour la prévention du suicide chez les jeunes LGBTQ+.
Art Basel
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Die Tezos-Kunstszene erobert South Beach während der Art Basel
Beginnend am 6. Dezember mit einer Ausstellung, Panels und Performances im Nautilus Hotel werden kuratorische Plattformen, Partner und Marktplätze aus der ganzen Welt zeitgenössische digitale Kunst, die auf Tezos geprägt wurde, gemeinsam kuratieren. Es werden über 50 Werke gezeigt, von historischen Stücken bis hin zu zeitgenössischen Editionen, die während der Veranstaltung verkauft werden, wobei ein Teil des Erlöses an das Trevor Project geht, eine amerikanische gemeinnützige Organisation, die Spenden für die Suizidprävention unter LGBTQ+-Jugendlichen sammelt.
Art Basel
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The Tezos Art Community Takes Over South Beach During Art Basel
Starting on December 6 with an exhibition, panels and performances at the Nautilus Hotel, curatorial platforms, partners and marketplaces from around the world will co-curate contemporary digital art minted on Tezos. Over 50 works will be shown, ranging from historical pieces to contemporary editions sold during the event, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Trevor Project, an American nonprofit organisation raising funds for suicide prevention amongst LGBTQ+ youth.

Generative Art Masterpieces From World-Leading NFT Artists Are Set to Illuminate Art Basel Hong Kong 2022
TZ APAC, the leading Asia-based blockchain adoption entity for the Tezos ecosystem, is presenting an NFT and generative art exhibition featuring over 20 generative and NFT artists from across the globe at Art Basel Hong Kong 2022.
Running from May 27 to 29, ‘NFTs + The Ever-Evolving World of Art’ marks the very first Tezos exhibition at Art Basel Hong Kong and will be hosted in a dedicated 250m2 exhibition space.
Art Basel
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La Tezos Art Community conquista South Beach durante Art Basel
A partire dal 6 dicembre con una mostra, panel e performance presso il Nautilus Hotel, piattaforme curatoriali, partner e marketplace di tutto il mondo co-cureranno l’arte digitale contemporanea coniata su Tezos. Saranno esposte oltre 50 opere, che spaziano da pezzi storici a edizioni contemporanee vendute durante l’evento, con una parte del ricavato che andrà al Trevor Project, un’organizzazione no-profit americana che raccoglie fondi per la prevenzione del suicidio tra i giovani LGBTQ+.
Arte de Basilea
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La comunidad artística de Tezos se apodera de South Beach durante Art Basel
A partir del 6 de diciembre, con una exposición, paneles y performances en el Hotel Nautilus, plataformas curatoriales, socios y mercados de todo el mundo co-curarán arte digital contemporáneo acuñado en Tezos. Se mostrarán más de 50 obras, que van desde piezas históricas hasta ediciones contemporáneas vendidas durante el evento, y una parte de las ganancias se destinará al Proyecto Trevor, una organización estadounidense sin fines de lucro que recauda fondos para la prevención del suicidio entre los jóvenes LGBTQ+.
Ausgewählte Neuigkeiten
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Deloitte Luxemburg wird Corporate Baker auf Tezos
Deloitte Luxemburg kündigt an, dass es ein Tezos Corporate Baker wird. Als Corporate Baker wird Deloitte Luxembourg für die Validierung, Sicherung und das Hinzufügen von Transaktionen (Blöcken) zur Tezos-Blockchain verantwortlich sein. Diese neue Position ermöglicht es Deloitte Luxemburg und Tezos, gemeinsam mit anderen Akteuren des Ökosystems Synergien bei Web3-bezogenen Themen zu erkunden.

Fireblocks erweitert die volle Unterstützung für Tezos und verbessert den institutionellen Zugang zum DeFi- und Web3-Ökosystem
Fireblocks hat den Start seines umfassenden Supports für Tezos angekündigt. Diese Entwicklung ermöglicht es Fireblocks-Kunden, FA1.2- und FA2-Token-Standards auf Tezos sicher zu verwalten und die Web3-Engine von Fireblocks zu nutzen, um neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen auf der Tezos-Blockchain zu entwickeln.
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Le Code d’Orsay: Agoria verbindet im Musée d’Orsay künstlerische Innovation mit Blockchain
In einer Konvergenz von Kunst, Musik und Blockchain-Technologie begrüßt das Musée d’Orsay die innovative Künstlerin Agoria zu einer Veranstaltung, die digitale Kunst mit der historischen Sammlung des Museums verbindet. Die Veranstaltung {Le code d’Orsay} (Orsay Code), die vom 13. Februar bis zum 10. März 2024 stattfindet, zielt darauf ab, ein neues Publikum anzusprechen, indem sie experimentelle Kreationen im digitalen und physischen Bereich präsentiert.

Van Gogh Digital Collectibles markieren eine neue Partnerschaft zwischen der Tezos Foundation und dem Musée d’Orsay
Diese Partnerschaft signalisiert einen innovativen Vorstoß in den Bereich der digitalen Kunstsammlerstücke, der durch eine bevorstehende Ausstellung über Vincent van Gogh verankert wird. Die mit Spannung erwartete Ausstellung, die am 3. Oktober 2023 beginnen soll, trägt den Titel “Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise: Die letzten Monate”.
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La casa de subastas líder Millon utilizará la blockchain de Arteïa y Tezos para autenticar las ventas de arte
La principal casa de subastas francesa Millon utilizará la tecnología de trazabilidad digital basada en blockchain de Tezos diseñada por Arteïa para verificar la autenticidad de las obras de arte en su Masters Decorative Arts of the 20th Century el 7 de noviembre. La solución Connect de Arteïa ofrece el primer pasaporte digital a prueba de manipulaciones para el arte anclado en la cadena de bloques y vinculado de forma segura a las obras a través de una etiqueta de comunicación de campo cercano (NFC) encriptada.
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La principale casa d’aste Millon utilizza la blockchain di Arteïa e Tezos per autenticare le vendite di opere d’arte
La principale casa d’aste francese Millon utilizzerà la tecnologia di tracciabilità digitale basata su blockchain di Tezos, progettata da Arteïa, per verificare l’autenticità delle opere d’arte presso il suo Masters Decorative Arts of the 20th Century il 7 novembre. La soluzione Connect di Arteïa offre il primo passaporto digitale a prova di manomissione per l’arte ancorato alla blockchain e collegato in modo sicuro alle opere tramite un tag NFC (Near Field Communication) crittografato.
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Leading Auction House Millon to Use Arteïa and Tezos Blockchain to Authenticate Art Sales
Leading French auction house Millon will utilise Tezos blockchain-based digital traceability technology designed by Arteïa to verify the authenticity of artworks at its Masters Decorative Arts of the 20th Century on November 7th. Arteïa’s Connect solution offers the first tamper-proof digital passport for art anchored on the blockchain and securely linked to works via an encrypted near-field communication (NFC) tag.

La Poste, The French Postal Service, Will Launch NFT Postal Stamps On The Tezos Blockchain In Q1 2023
La Poste is partially owned by the French state, has around 250,000 employees, and a yearly revenue of over 34 billion Euro.
La Poste has announced that 100,000 copies of NFT-linked physical postal stamps will be launched on February 7th 2023.

The Future Of Corporate Governance: ACCESS Will Use Tezos-Based E-Voting Solution For Their 2022 Election
The Association of Cryptocurrency Enterprises and Start-ups, Singapore (ACCESS) announced that it will be using the blockchain-based e-voting solution developed by ELECTIS to elect their new board members at the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, 28th January 2022.
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La maison de vente aux enchères Millon utilise Arteïa et Tezos Blockchain pour authentifier ses ventes d’œuvres d’art
Le 7 novembre, la maison de vente aux enchères française Millon utilisera la technologie de traçabilité numérique basée sur la blockchain Tezos conçue par Arteïa pour vérifier l’authenticité des œuvres d’art de ses Masters Arts Décoratifs du 20e siècle. La solution Connect d’Arteïa offre le premier passeport numérique infalsifiable pour l’art, ancré sur la blockchain et lié de manière sécurisée aux œuvres via un tag crypté de communication en champ proche (NFC).
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Führendes Auktionshaus Millon nutzt Arteïa- und Tezos-Blockchain zur Authentifizierung von Kunstverkäufen
Das führende französische Auktionshaus Millon wird die von Arteïa entwickelte Blockchain-basierte digitale Rückverfolgbarkeitstechnologie von Tezos nutzen, um die Echtheit von Kunstwerken bei seinen Meistern der dekorativen Künste des 20. Jahrhunderts am 7. November zu überprüfen. Die Connect-Lösung von Arteïa bietet den ersten fälschungssicheren digitalen Pass für Kunst, der auf der Blockchain verankert und über ein verschlüsseltes NFC-Tag (Near Field Communication) sicher mit Werken verknüpft ist.
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Tezos Foundation Collaborates with Baanx for Non-Custodial Crypto Card on Etherlink
The Tezos Foundation has partnered with Baanx to introduce a Tezos-branded, non-custodial crypto card on Etherlink. This collaboration aims to leverage Etherlink, an Ethereum-compatible Layer 2 blockchain powered by Tezos Smart Rollups technology, to facilitate swift and cost-effective payments.

Baanx, Supported by Tezos Foundation, Raises $20M to Broaden Crypto Payment Horizons
Baanx, a pioneering cryptocurrency payments company endorsed by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has secured a significant financial boost with a $20 million Series A funding round. This strategic investment was led by notable entities including Ledger, the Tezos Foundation, Chiron, and the British Business Bank. The move marks a significant milestone for Baanx, elevating its total funding to over $30 million.
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इमर्सिव गेमप्ले के लिए Tezos ब्लॉकचेन का लाभ उठाने के लिए 4 नई गेमिंग परियोजनाएं
‘कॉइन ब्लास्ट’, ‘बैटलटैब्स’, ‘स्टार सिम्फनी’ और ‘हर्मिट क्रैब गेम स्टूडियो’ के साथ टेजोस के गतिशील गेमिंग क्षेत्र का अन्वेषण करें, जो सभी इमर्सिव प्ले के लिए टेजोस ब्लॉकचेन का लाभ उठाते हैं।
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4 neue Gaming-Projekte, die die Tezos-Blockchain für immersives Gameplay nutzen
Entdecken Sie den dynamischen Gaming-Sektor von Tezos mit “Coin Blast”, “BattleTabs”, “Star Symphony” und “Hermit Crab Game Studio”, die alle die Tezos-Blockchain für immersives Spielen nutzen.
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4 New Gaming Projects To Leverage the Tezos Blockchain for Immersive Gameplay
Explore Tezos’ dynamic gaming sector with ‘Coin Blast’, ‘BattleTabs’, ‘Star Symphony’, and ‘Hermit Crab Game Studio’ all leveraging Tezos blockchain for immersive play.

BattleTabs: A Game With 1 Million+ Downloads Collaborates with Trilitech to Integrate Tezos Technology
The highlight of this collaboration with Trilitech is the integration of digital collectibles into BattleTabs, named BattleTabs Cards. These digital collectible cards can be traded amongst players and come in various sets, each showcasing a unique theme or art style. Every set is limited, and cards have different rarity levels.
BattleTabs (Schede di battaglia)
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4 nuovi progetti di gioco per sfruttare la blockchain di Tezos per un gameplay coinvolgente
Esplora il dinamico settore dei giochi di Tezos con “Coin Blast”, “BattleTabs”, “Star Symphony” e “Hermit Crab Game Studio” che sfruttano la blockchain di Tezos per un gioco coinvolgente.
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Beauty House Guerlain Presents Energy-Efficient Tezos NFTs At The International Contemporary Art Fair In Paris
For the 14th consecutive year, House Guerlain will take part in the International Contemporary Art Fair in Paris, France.
The House will present its new exhibition ‘When matter becomes art’, from October 21 to November 14, 2021, at 68 Champs-Élysées House Guerlain and MNSTR agency will present works of art from four renowned contemporary artists at the International Contemporary Art Fair as NFTs.
View More A New Chapter in NFT Analytics on Tezos
The vision behind BigOnTezos is to be a resource for discerning “who is who in the world of Tezos NFTs.” The platform seeks to answer critical questions, including identifying the most valued NFT artists on Tezos, determining the biggest collectors, and highlighting who notable artists are collecting.
Block Explorer
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Tezos Foundation Backs Blockscout to Enable Etherlink Exploration, RedStone Oracles Integrates for DeFi Expansion
In a significant stride toward enhancing the Tezos ecosystem, the Tezos Foundation has extended its support to Blockscout, a reputable open-source block explorer. This backing aims to fortify Etherlink, a prominent EVM-compatible Layer-2 blockchain built on Tezos, by providing a dedicated mainnet and testnet block explorer. Concurrently, RedStone Oracles has integrated into the Etherlink ecosystem, heralding a new era of DeFi expansion.
Blockchain Education
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Blind Gallery Announces “Academy by Blind Gallery”: A Trailblazing Educational Platform for Blockchain Art, Launching February 2024, powered by Tezos
Blind Gallery, an innovative gallery in the digital art space, proudly announces the upcoming launch of “Academy by Blind Gallery,” launching in February 2024.
This state-of-the-art educational platform is dedicated to fostering expertise in blockchain art, catering to a wide audience that includes artists, curators, gallerists, collectors, art dealers, and academic institutions.
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Blind Gallery kündigt “Academy by Blind Gallery” an: eine bahnbrechende Bildungsplattform für Blockchain-Kunst, die im Februar 2024 startet und von Tezos unterstützt wird
Blind Gallery, eine innovative Galerie im Bereich der digitalen Kunst, kündigt stolz den bevorstehenden Start der “Academy by Blind Gallery” an, die im Februar 2024 starten wird.
Diese hochmoderne Bildungsplattform widmet sich der Förderung von Fachwissen in Blockchain-Kunst und richtet sich an ein breites Publikum, zu dem Künstler, Kuratoren, Galeristen, Sammler, Kunsthändler und akademische Einrichtungen gehören.
Boulangers d’entreprise
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OKCoin Japan adopte Tezos : rejoint l’entreprise en tant que boulanger d’entreprise et lance le jalonnement XTZ
OKCoin Japan a été officiellement accueilli comme le dernier boulanger d’entreprise sur la blockchain Tezos. Ils deviennent le 30e boulanger d’entreprise de l’écosystème Tezos. Cette décision marque non seulement un ajout notable à la liste des boulangers d’entreprise de Tezos, qui comprend des noms comme Google Cloud et Ubisoft, mais annonce également l’introduction des services de jalonnement tez (XTZ) sur la plateforme d’OKCoin Japan à partir du 8 novembre 2023.

Deloitte Luxembourg devient Corporate Baker sur Tezos
Deloitte Luxembourg annonce qu’il va devenir un boulanger d’entreprise Tezos. En tant que Corporate Baker, Deloitte Luxembourg sera responsable de la validation, de la sécurisation et de l’ajout de transactions (blocs) à la blockchain Tezos. Ce nouveau poste permet à Deloitte Luxembourg et Tezos d’explorer les synergies sur les sujets liés au Web3, aux côtés d’autres acteurs de l’écosystème.
Cambridge University
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Tezos Powers the Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) Decentralized Marketplace for Nature-Based Solutions
The renowned Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) has unveiled the inner workings of its decentralized marketplace dedicated to nature-based solutions. Operating on the Tezos blockchain in collaboration with Cambridge University, this groundbreaking platform seeks to connect carbon credit purchasers with nature-based solution projects, leveraging cutting-edge technology for a greener tomorrow.

Cambridge University Will Build A Decentralized Carbon Credit Marketplace On Tezos That Will Support Reforestation Efforts Worldwide
Cambridge University is building a carbon credit marketplace on Tezos to support reaching the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) goals and help halt deforestation.
The Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C), built on the energy-efficient Tezos blockchain, will use a combination of AI and satellite sensing to build a decentralized marketplace of verifiable carbon credits.
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French Magazine Science & Vie Launches NFT Membership Cards With Special Perks
Science & Vie announced that they launched NFT membership in collaboration with Eniblock.
The membership card allows the owner to join a community of enthusiasts, open privileged contact with the editorial staff and gain access to exclusive experiences.
Cas d’utilisation réel
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Projet Vigicard, l’appli pour suivre les allergies médicamenteuses sur Tezos
La Fondation Tezos annonce son soutien au projet Vigicard, la première application mobile améliorant le suivi des patients sujets aux allergies médicamenteuses. Basée sur la technologie blockchain Tezos, l’application a été co-développée par une équipe d’allergologues de renommée européenne du CHU de Montpellier et les experts du Web3 Codinsight.
Caso d’uso nel mondo reale
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Project Vigicard, l’app per monitorare le allergie ai farmaci su Tezos
La Fondazione Tezos annuncia il suo sostegno al progetto Vigicard, la prima applicazione mobile che migliora il monitoraggio dei pazienti soggetti ad allergie ai farmaci. Basata sulla tecnologia blockchain di Tezos, l’applicazione è stata co-sviluppata da un team di allergologi di fama europea dell’ospedale universitario di Montpellier e dagli esperti Web3 Codinsight.
Caso de uso en el mundo real
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Project Vigicard, la aplicación para rastrear alergias a medicamentos en Tezos
La Fundación Tezos anuncia su apoyo al proyecto Vigicard, la primera aplicación móvil que mejora el seguimiento de pacientes sujetos a alergias medicamentosas. Basada en la tecnología blockchain de Tezos, la aplicación fue desarrollada conjuntamente por un equipo de alergólogos de renombre europeo del Hospital Universitario de Montpellier y los expertos en Web3 Codinsight.
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CEERTIF: Real-time File Certification via Tezos Blockchain for Construction and Insurance Professionals
CEERTIF, a mobile application for installers, agents, and insurers in France, has introduced a groundbreaking platform that leverages the TEZOS blockchain to secure and geolocate media in real time.
Champ Medici Arts Fund
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Cordell Broadus and Tezos Foundation Unveil Inaugural Artists for the Champ Medici Arts Fund
Cordell Broadus and the Tezos Foundation have unveiled the inaugural batch of grantees for its Champ Medici Arts Fund joint venture. Cordell Broadus, popularly known as Champ Medici is the second son of music icon Snoop Dogg. The foundation’s vision is to drive artistic innovation in the realm of web3.
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Tezos Artists Unite to Support Humanitarian Relief Efforts in Gaza through #Tez4Pal Initiative
In response to the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Tezos community is coming together to provide crucial support through the Tezos4Palestine #Tez4Pal fundraiser.
From January 20 to February 20, Tezos artists are encouraged to participate by minting their artworks under the #Tez4Pal tag and donate a part or all the proceeds to the designated wallet.

TezQuakeAid Mobilizes the Tezos Community in a Unified Humanitarian Response to Crisis
Drawing upon their expertise in mobilizing donations for the Turkey and Syria earthquake relief, the dedicated TezQuakeAid team has once again assembled to launch fundraising initiatives in response to the recent earthquake and flood disasters in Morocco and Libya.
To date, the relief efforts have raised a total of 9,300 Tezos in support of the relief initiatives for Morocco and Libya.
Chief Keef
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GloBabies – A OneOf NFT Series With Added Commercial Rights By Chief Keef And ColourfulMula Drops On Rarible Today
Chief Keef NFT: Embark on the GloBaby adventure with Chief Keef and ColourfulMula. As a Glo holder, navigate physical/digital worlds, holding rights from names to merchandising.

The OneOf NFT Presale For The Chief Keef X ColourfulMula Drop Sold Out In 37 Seconds
The GloGang Genesis NFT collection that will drop on Tezos-based NFT platform OneOf, has kicked off with a presale of 444 NFT’s that sold out in 37 seconds. The NFT’s sold for $50 per piece.
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DNS计划在本周六推出其“下一代创作者平台”,一开始将在Tezos公链上启动。该平台被誉为“有史以来最先进的去中心化应用”,集成了媒体播放器、社交网络和创作者销售工具。 DNS计划在本周六推出其“下一代创作者平台”,一开始将在Tezos公链上启动。该平台被誉为“有史以来最先进的去中心化应用”,集成了媒体播放器、社交网络和创作者销售工具。 该平台承诺“性能是Lens协议的30倍”,支持免Gas费用铸造,具有音乐和视频功能,也将与Farcaster协议兼容。未来计划扩展到以太坊和二层网络Base 链。 新的DNS平台提供了一系列创新功能,旨在增强用户交互和创作者盈利。以下是创作者可期待的20项功能详细情况: 1/视频播放器:用户可直接购买NFT或观看可以社交互动的高质量视频。 2/高级音乐播放器:具有创建播放列表、购买音乐和融入社交互动等功能。 3/NFT帖子:能够编写和创建NFT帖子,实现即看即买。 4/引用帖子:引用帖子作为一种社交互动形式,具备原始帖子购买功能。 5/Tezos NFT铸造集成:每个帖子都可以铸造为Tezos NFT。 6/多种登录选项:提供了Facebook、Google、Twitter或Tezos Kukai钱包等社交账户登录选项。 7/免Gas费铸造:创作者可以免费铸造NFT。 8/免Gas费上架:无需gas费用在交易市场上架销售NFT物品。 9/互动社交时间线:帖子和活动的时间线是动态更新的。 10/私信:直接与其他用户发送私人消息。 11/群组消息:群组消息提供了协作、交流功能。 12/回应和评论:用户可以通过各种回应和评论,参与帖子互动。 13/社交钱包:用户可以管理一个与DNS个人资料关联的钱包。 14/发送代币:在DNS社区内向个人资料账户转账。 15/OBJKT市场集成:在DNS内查看和购买OBJKT 平台上的NFT物品。 16/购物车:可以把自己看上的NFT物品放进购物车后再购买。 17/Tezos钱包社交个人资料:Tezos钱包支持个人社交资料。 18/多币种支持:可用Paypal、Visa和Mastercard等支付BTC、ETH、XTZ或USD代币。 19/社交通知:更新DNS平台上的活动消息。 20/播放列表创建:用户可在平台上整理和分享播放列表。 简要的描述,DNS这个雄心勃勃的平台“将Spotify、YouTube和Instagram等应用合为一体”,意图通过全面的方法将不同形式的数字交互和内容消费融合在一个Web3去中心化的屋檐下。 FirstRain是一位 DNS Beta 测试者,上面的截图是其发布至 X 平台。 DNS启动计划于 2024 年 4 月 20 日进行,这标志着其朝着去中心化应用的发展迈出了重要的一步;同时凸显了Tezos区块链在支持先进和可扩展解决方案方面日益增长的能力。 请在此处关注他们的 X 账户,获取项目更多启动信息。
Cleveland Cavaliers
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NBA Basketball Team Cleveland Cavaliers Launch A Clean NFT Fan Experience On Sweet Using The Tezos Blockchain
NBA basketball team Cleveland Cavaliers have launched a clean NFT fan experience on Sweet using the Tezos blockchain.
Coleccionables digitales de Van Gogh
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Los coleccionables digitales de Van Gogh marcan una nueva asociación entre la Fundación Tezos y el Museo de Orsay
Esta asociación marca una incursión innovadora en el ámbito de los coleccionables de arte digital, anclada en una próxima exposición sobre Vincent van Gogh. Programada para comenzar el 3 de octubre de 2023, la esperada exposición se titula “Van Gogh en Auvers-sur-Oise: los últimos meses”.
Collegamento ether
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Etherlink: il rollup intelligente EVM Layer 2 è previsto per il lancio sulla mainnet nel marzo 2024
Etherlink, l’ultima soluzione Layer 2 della blockchain di Tezos, è destinata a ridefinire il panorama delle applicazioni decentralizzate (DApp) con il suo imminente lancio della mainnet nel marzo 2024. Questo rollup ottimistico compatibile con EVM si distingue da altre piattaforme esterne Layer 2 come Arbitrum, Optimism e Polygon, grazie alla sua consacrazione unica all’interno della blockchain di Tezos.
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GloBabies – A OneOf NFT Series With Added Commercial Rights By Chief Keef And ColourfulMula Drops On Rarible Today
Chief Keef NFT: Embark on the GloBaby adventure with Chief Keef and ColourfulMula. As a Glo holder, navigate physical/digital worlds, holding rights from names to merchandising.

The OneOf NFT Presale For The Chief Keef X ColourfulMula Drop Sold Out In 37 Seconds
The GloGang Genesis NFT collection that will drop on Tezos-based NFT platform OneOf, has kicked off with a presale of 444 NFT’s that sold out in 37 seconds. The NFT’s sold for $50 per piece.
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SkillZ Joins The Tezos Ecosystem As A Corporate Baker Using The Scaleway Cloud
Today, SkillZ, the European leader in Staking-as-a-Service, has formally announced that it has expanded its involvement within the Tezos ecosystem as a corporate baker.
By officially becoming a baker, SkillZ will now validate transactions and add them to the Tezos blockchain.
They become the 14th Corporate baker in the Tezos ecosystem.
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TezosShare: una nueva dApp para pagos simplificados de Tezos
TezosShare ha sido diseñado para hacer que la recepción de pagos de Tezos sea un proceso sencillo. Al crear un enlace único a través de la plataforma, los usuarios pueden difundirlo a través de redes sociales, correos electrónicos y otros canales de comunicación. Cuando alguien hace clic en este enlace, puede enviar Tezos directamente a la billetera del usuario.
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TezosShare : une nouvelle dApp pour des paiements Tezos simplifiés
TezosShare a été conçu pour faire de la réception des paiements Tezos un processus simple. En créant un lien unique via la plateforme, les utilisateurs peuvent le diffuser via les médias sociaux, les e-mails et d’autres canaux de communication. Lorsque quelqu’un clique sur ce lien, il est en mesure d’envoyer des Tezos directement dans le portefeuille de l’utilisateur.
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TezosShare: новий dApp для спрощених платежів Tezos
TezosShare був розроблений таким чином, щоб зробити отримання платежів Tezos простим процесом. Створивши унікальне посилання через платформу, користувачі можуть поширювати його через соціальні мережі, електронну пошту та інші канали зв’язку. Коли хтось переходить за цим посиланням, він може відправити Tezos прямо на гаманець користувача.
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TezosShare: सरलीकृत Tezos भुगतान के लिए एक नया dApp
TezosShare को Tezos भुगतान प्राप्त करने को एक सरल प्रक्रिया बनाने के लिए इंजीनियर किया गया है। प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के माध्यम से एक अद्वितीय लिंक बनाकर, उपयोगकर्ता इसे सोशल मीडिया, ईमेल और अन्य संचार चैनलों के माध्यम से प्रसारित कर सकते हैं। जब कोई इस लिंक पर क्लिक करता है, तो वे उपयोगकर्ता के वॉलेट में सीधे टेज़ोस भेजने में सक्षम होते हैं।
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TezosShare: una nuova dApp per pagamenti Tezos semplificati
TezosShare è stato progettato per rendere la ricezione dei pagamenti Tezos un processo semplice. Creando un link univoco attraverso la piattaforma, gli utenti possono diffonderlo tramite social media, e-mail e altri canali di comunicazione. Quando qualcuno fa clic su questo link, è in grado di inviare Tezos direttamente al portafoglio dell’utente.
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TZ APAC Launches TZ Apex Season 1 Community Rewards Program
TZ APAC has officially launched Season 1 of the TZ Apex community rewards program. This initiative, which started on June 14, 2024, and will run until July 31, 2024, aims to enhance community engagement with projects built on the Tezos blockchain, and give participants the opportunity to earn up to $10,000 in rewards.

TezosShare: A New dApp for Simplified Tezos Payments
TezosShare has been engineered to make receiving Tezos payments a straightforward process. By creating a unique link through the platform, users can disseminate it via social media, emails, and other communication channels. When someone clicks on this link, they are able to send Tezos directly to the user’s wallet.

The Tezos Community: Nurturing the Heart of the Tezos Ecosystem
In this guest post from TheTezosCommunity (TTC) they discuss what they have been doing in the Tezos ecosystem and what they have planned for the future.
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TezosShare: Eine neue dApp für vereinfachte Tezos-Zahlungen
TezosShare wurde entwickelt, um den Empfang von Tezos-Zahlungen zu einem unkomplizierten Prozess zu machen. Durch die Erstellung eines eindeutigen Links über die Plattform können Benutzer diesen über soziale Medien, E-Mails und andere Kommunikationskanäle verbreiten. Wenn jemand auf diesen Link klickt, kann er Tezos direkt an die Wallet des Benutzers senden.
Community Initiatives
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Let’s make Tezos great together!
LMTGT is an initiative founded by First Rain, and is all about combining the energies and skills of the community to build things together, making Tezos the place we want it to be.

Tezos Community Prepares for Launch of tzBTC 2.0 on May 27th
The Tezos ecosystem is gearing up for the anticipated launch of tzBTC 2.0 on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 12:00 pm UTC. This development follows a successful keyholder session, where all necessary signatures were obtained, and backup flows were tested.
Cordell Broadus
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Cordell Broadus and Tezos Foundation Unveil Inaugural Artists for the Champ Medici Arts Fund
Cordell Broadus and the Tezos Foundation have unveiled the inaugural batch of grantees for its Champ Medici Arts Fund joint venture. Cordell Broadus, popularly known as Champ Medici is the second son of music icon Snoop Dogg. The foundation’s vision is to drive artistic innovation in the realm of web3.
Corporate Bakers
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OKCoin Japan Embraces Tezos: Joins as Corporate Baker, Launches XTZ Staking
OKCoin Japan has been officially welcomed as the latest corporate baker on the Tezos blockchain. They become the 30th corporate baker in the Tezos ecosystem. This move not only marks a notable addition to Tezos’ list of corporate bakers, which includes names like Google Cloud and Ubisoft, but also heralds the introduction of tez (XTZ) staking services on OKCoin Japan’s platform starting November 8, 202